
Teesside Union Leagues

The Teesside Union have worked hard to enable both the Wednesday night league and the Seniors league to take place in a shortened format. Both leagues will begin week commencing Monday 22nd June 2010.

For anyone wishing to play in the Wednesday night league the matches will be played on neutral venues and consist of 4 scratch players and 8 other players with a handicap limit of 12. Matches are singles matchplay. All rules and protocols regarding restrictions due to the corona virus will be adhered to. Billy Neil is the point of contact for this league.

The Seniors league is played (usually) on a Monday morning on a home and away basis and the team consists of 12 players with a handicap limit of 24 ( 18 shots max ) and played as a 4 bbb. The first match in this league is away at Saltburn on Monday 22nd June and if you are eligible, available and want to play some competitive golf, an availability sheet will be displayed in the locker room.

There will be no hospitality or after match refreshments at any match.

Should any member require any further information please contact John Simpson, who is the Teesside Union Representative.

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