Richmond Golf Club has an extremely active membership. Our sections include men’s, ladies’, seniors (TOFFS) and juniors, all offering a full competition fixtures schedule aimed at players of all standards.
Men’s Section

The Men’s Section at Richmond Golf Club is extremely friendly with competitions taking place every Sunday throughout the year including Monthly Medals and a host of prestigious Club Competitions.
If you are new to the area or want to be part of the thriving Men’s Section, you will be welcomed with players of all abilities and ages enjoying playing the course every week.
The Castle is played every Tuesday night as a roll-up every Tuesday night between Spring and Autumn, and a Winter-long Saturday competition is also hotly contested.
With several teams including the Teesside Union and NERGA representatives, you will also have the chance to play competitive golf against others in North Yorkshire and the North East of England.
Ladies Section

At Richmond (Yorks) Golf Club we are proud of our successful Ladies Section.
We welcome new players of all abilities, and whether you are a scratch player, a seasoned handicapper, or a novice, you will find Richmond a friendly and social place to play your golf.
If you are thinking about taking up golf we offer Taster Days where, with other prospective members, you can get together with our professional, and a few lady members, and we will show you how enjoyable golf can be, not only as a sport but also a social activity. Group lessons are offered by our professional too so, as a group, you can learn and have fun together.
If you do decide to join us, we will offer to appoint a lady member as your mentor. She will introduce you to the other members and be there to help whenever you need her.
We have regular competitions throughout the year on Wednesdays and Sundays. The competitions can be seriously competitive or fun, but either way they are an opportunity to meet with the other ladies and make new friends.
Friendly and County Matches
If you are a competitive golfer, Richmond Ladies Section are members of the Teesside Lady Golfers Alliance and both the Yorkshire County Ladies Golf Association and Yorkshire Veterans Ladies Golf Association, as well as playing host to and visiting other clubs for frequent friendly matches.
Mixed Competitions
Should you tire of playing all your golf with ladies, we run a series of mixed competitions throughout the summer. They are great fun and if you have no male golf partner, we will find one for you! We also have annual matches against both our Rabbits and TOFFS sections – always a lot of banter and laughs at these!
For full information on the Ladies Section, read the document via the link below.
TOFFs Section (Seniors)

The Men’s Senior Section – called the TOFFs (The Over Fifty Fives) – offers a great golfing experience and a warm welcome to both new and experienced golfers. Handicaps range from 8 to 28 (or more) and we don’t take ourselves too seriously with the 19th playing a vital role in keeping us sane with excellent bonhomie and jest throughout the day.
The thriving section is based around regular competitions every Tuesday and Thursday morning, as well as organised visits to other clubs including official inter-club Seniors matches and informal social visits to other interesting courses.
Richmond Golf Club is senior-friendly with various types of support for seniors such as low-cost buggies available for use all year round.
The most frequent TOFFs competition starts at 8am on Tuesdays and Thursdays and is known as “The Whisky Trail” as the winner receives a bottle of Scotch with a bottle of Merlot/Malbec to the runner up.
Each season we start with our club handicaps but then your handicap is cut if you have the audacity to win a prize or to beat your handicap. Just to be fair, we will also increase your handicap if you are struggling to match it to give more players a chance to win the competition.
TOFFs competition formats are varied and include Stablefords, Texas-Scramble, Golden–ball team events and 4-hole Joker competitions. We play monthly Club Medal and Stableford competitions plus a number of other one-off competitions throughout the year including The Founder’s Trophy. We also run an Order of Merit through both winter and summer to reward the most consistent golfers.
To wrap it all up, at the end of the season in late October, we have a TOFFs get together over dinner at the Basil Smith Memorial Day where we award various prizes and trophies.
Juniors Section

We are proud of our thriving junior section. The many benefits of becoming a junior member at Richmond Golf Club include:
- Make new friends
- Play 7 days a week
- Access to the clubhouse, course, and all practise areas, including our fabulous brand new Junior/Beginner Academy three-hole Par 3 course (Juniors under 14 must be accompanied by an adult)
- Coaching from a PGA professional
- Opportunity to get a handicap
- Regular Junior competitions
- Junior social events
- Opportunity to be put forward for county coaching
- Play matches against other golf clubs (John Hughes Cup and Teesside Junior League)
The Junior Coordinator (JC) is Mick Campbell (Email: who deals with the running of all aspects of the section, such as arranging competitions, dealing with handicaps, advise on etiquette and rules, coaching, membership, up and coming events and development pathways. He is supported by a team of volunteers, who work together to promote golf and maintain a thriving Junior section.
Amy Lancaster, the Club Safeguarding Officer, is the first point of contact for any issue concerning child welfare.
We are currently working on retaining our Gold star GolfMark accreditation, which demonstrates our commitment to training and progressing youngsters. Golf can be a very positive influence for a young person and we are always looking to develop good life skills as well as golfing talent.
Important Junior Information
Richmond Golf Club Junior Section offers boys and girls up to the age of 18 the opportunity to develop their game in a friendly and supportive environment. We welcome new members of all standards ranging from complete beginners to good players. If you are new to the game, we will help you to improve; if you have a strong game, you will have the opportunity to compete for a place in our successful Junior Team, as well as be put forward for County Coaching and a chance to represent the County Team.
Any junior interested in joining Richmond Golf Club is welcome to obtain an application form and parental consent form from Amy Lancaster, who is also our Club Secretary. Once completed and returned, an informal meeting will then be arranged with the JC.
Richmond Golf Club has a structured approach to the induction of young people into the sport, both from the points of view of technique and etiquette. The Club sets a high priority on coaching for juniors. Our Professional will assess when a junior is ready to progress onto the main course. We have a group of volunteers happy to provide help for those starting out.
To acquire a junior handicap you must complete 18 holes and hand your card to the JC or secretary. Juniors handicaps start from 54 but can start lower depending on ability. Once their handicaps reach a certain level (16 for a boy, 36 for a girl), they may also be allowed to take part in all adult competitions (as long as they also support the junior competitions and gets permission from the captain of the gents or ladies sections).
Richmond is a busy club, but juniors do have reserved times for their competitions. Please take advantage and try to enter as many competitions as you can. Remember the handicap system gives everybody both a chance to succeed against better players and the opportunity to show improvement.
For Junior Membership offers and prices, please visit the Membership page.
If you are a junior member or parent and wish to keep up with the latest news add us on Facebook: Richmond Golf Club Junior Section