
Richmond Golf Club: Course and Clubhouse restrictions by Covid-19 Tiers

In line with recent Government guidelines, the following restrictions apply at Richmond Golf Club until further notice from the Board.

Tier 1 : Members/visitors from Tier 1 areas may play the course (maximum 4 -ball : observing course social distancing rules) and may use the Clubhouse facilities providing they observe social distancing, hand sanitising, table service, track and trace and “rule of 6” conditions.

Tier 2: Members/visitors from Tier 2 areas may play the course (maximum 4 -ball : observing course social distancing rules). Due to the restriction that “they may not socialise with other people outside of their own households or support bubble indoors, such as pubs and restaurants” they may only use the Clubhouse facilities within their support bubbles (including table for 1) and providing they observe social distancing, hand sanitising, table service and track and trace conditions. They may also use the outside seating if they choose as long as they follow the “rule of 6”.

Tier 3: Members/visitors from Tier 3 areas should not be visiting RGC and are not permitted access to the course nor clubhouse.

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