
RGC takes delivery of Defibrillator thanks to generous donations

Richmond Golf Club has taken delivery of a new Defibrillator made possible thanks to generous donations from Richmondshire District Council and Richmond Rotary Club.

Donations made by golf club members, RDC and the Rotary Club made it possible to purchase the life-saving equipment.

Every year over 30,000 people in the UK suffer a cardiac arrest out of hospital and having a defibrillator nearby can increase the chance of survival by up to 90%.

The Defibrillator was purchased from Cardiac Science, is easy to operate with voice prompts to provide an automatic shock to the patient to effect cardiac recovery.

The Defibrillator will be registered on the national database of Defibrillators held by the Ambulance Service, and is therefore available for use in the event of any medical emergency both at Richmond Golf Club and also anywhere in the vicinity during opening hours of RGC.

Staff including admin, professional and bar and catering staff were trained in Basic Life Support and Defibrillator use by a Yorkshire Ambulance Service-approved trainer on 3rd May, along with a number of golf club members.

Many thanks to Councillor Stuart Parsons on behalf of Richmondshire District Council and North Yorkshire County Council (£700) and to Robert Hughes, President Richmond Rotary Club (£250) and Club Members (£200).

Picture: Martin Dolan, Richmond (Yorks) Golf Club Captain, seen with Councillor Stuart Parsons from Richmondshire District Council together with Robert Hughes, Chair of Richmond Rotary Club, on Friday 10th May at RGC. The occasion was held to thank both the individuals and their respective organisations for the their generous donations towards the recent purchase and installation of the defibrillator at RGC.

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