
Reopening Information

Following the Government’s Roadmap out of lockdown, we wanted to inform you of the plans here at Richmond Golf Club which of course assumes the roadmap stays on track.

Step 1: The golf course will open on March 29th at 8am for four-ball golf and the BRS system will open up on the evening of March 14th.

We anticipate that participation will be high so for the first 2 weeks (from March 29th to April 11th) tee times from start of play until 1pm will be restricted to Members only and both members and visitors may book tee times after this time. Members should please limit themselves to 3 bookings per week maximum until we are sure that all members are getting a chance to play. We will remove this restriction as soon as possible.

Throughout this time, “normal” social distancing (SD) arrangements will apply eg don’t touch flags/other golf balls, wash/sanitise hands before playing, arrive 15mins maximum before your tee time, only one group at a time on the practice putting green etc etc. The toilets and outdoor practice facilities will be open but the Clubhouse, locker rooms, golf studio and Pro shop will all be closed. Takeaway catering will be available at the outside kiosk by the kitchens.

During step 1 starting your round will be limited to the 1st tee.

Step 2: As of April 12th the course and practice facilities remain open with SD rules continuing to apply and the course will be open to both members and visitors booking tee times via BRS. The Office, Pro Shop and locker rooms will open and food and drink will be available with table service outdoors following the “rule of 6” and takeaways will also be available. The golf studio will be open for individual use only or for “lessons with the Pro”.
There will be no bar facilities indoors so at busy times we may need to restrict the time each 4-ball occupies outside seating which will be at the discretion of bar-staff.

As of step 2 starting your round from either the 1st or 10th will be permitted and Sunday comps will return to a 2-tee start.

Step 3: On May 17th outdoor bar and catering may expand to 30 whilst we will open the indoor bar and catering facilities following the “rule of 6” and the golf studio will allow groups for organised activity.

Step 4: On June 21st all restrictions end subject of course to any Government amendments.

More details from England Golf can be found at the links below:

Roadmap for the return to golf infographic

Welcome back to Golf!!

The Board

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