
Our Captain is a Diamond – Martin Catt Celebrates 50th Year

Richmond Golf Course, like all others in England, is preparing to reopen on Monday March 29th after the lockdown closure and preparations are well in hand to welcome members and visitors back to the game they love. 

Martin Catt, this year’s Captain, is especially looking forward to the reopening since he’ll be celebrating 50 years since he first joined the Club in 1970, at the tender age of 13. Martin has already served as Captain in 1985and is delighted to be given the role again in 2021.

Here, Martin explains how he first started playing golf.

“In 1969 my Father was dispatched by Dowsett Construction to build a brick factory in Leven Kirkaldy; to ease the evening boredom he started playing golf. On his return my Dad, Gary my brother and I joined Richmond Golf Club in the autumn of 1970, I was 13 years old.

“The club was nine holes and the small clubhouse had been constructed on stilts at the end of some cow sheds by Shepherd Construction,  a company I would join several years later to learn my trade.

“The Secretary was Arthur Mangnall a man you would not dare cross, steward was Jim Dillon a world war two veteran and the green keeper was Harold Webster.

“In my first week Harold gave me a highly polished pair of brown leather golf shoes and a 1964 edition of the rules of golf which I still have to this day and told me ‘don’t ever let me see those shoes dirty and don’t ever disobey what’s in that book’.

Martin Catt

“The Captain was Donald Lancaster and because there were several past Captains still playing when I joined it has now been my pleasure to have known 61 past Captains of our club.

“It was all hands to the decks back then and many working parties over several months constructed the 18 holes we have today, my involvement only interrupted because it was school tomorrow and the Grammar School did not smile on students who yawned all day.

“The new course was opened in 1972 and the first course record of 68 was set by Dez Dozey, a friend who I was privileged to play golf with for 20 years. In 1974 my father was awarded the contract to build the first phase of the clubhouse we know today.

“The progress continued with work parties digging trenches and laying pipes and cables for the sprinkler system we have today.

“I was asked to be captain in 1983 and having served as competition secretary and Vice Captain, I became Captain in 1985. Over the years I have held several roles at the Club including a Directorship.

“The club has grown but still retains its core values and, we are known for our welcome and atmosphere that other clubs envy.

“The last few years have been difficult for all golf clubs, and particularly so during the current pandemic.

“However, we have been guided by a remarkable group of Directors unselfishly giving their time to strengthen and secure the club’s future. 

“As for me it’s been a blast, I’m Captain again, I’ve got lifelong friends, I’ve picked up a few trophies and along with Karen Jobling my brother Gary has shared the accolade of best golfers the club has ever had.”

This is a very special year at Richmond Golf Club, which will also be holding events to celebrate the 950th anniversary of Richmond Castle.

The Golf Club is ready to welcome golfers back on Monday 29th March, and we’d be delighted to hear from anyone wishing to join; please email or call 01748 823231.

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