
Latest Update from RGC

We hope you and you families remain safe and well during these extraordinary times and if any of you or your families work in the front line, particularly in the NHS/Social Care, please pass on to them a big “thank you” from all of us.

As it is about a month since we last wrote, here is a brief update of the actions behind the scenes at Richmond Golf Club.

We are not really any closer to knowing when the course will be open to members again but as courses in Europe begin to open, planning for June/July feels like appropriate action. The Board are planning through 3 different scenarios to restart our club whenever the Government and England Golf allow. We will have plans ready for any of these options by (a) starting in 2 balls and with social distancing strictly in place (b) allowing 4 balls, social distancing relaxed in general but the bar remains shut and (c) all back to normal. Depending upon which scenarios is true, we will call for volunteers to get us fully ready.

Like every other club in the country, RGC has been battling to cut costs and raise revenue at a time when normal income is non-existent. We have reluctantly placed all (bar one) of our employees on furlough and after weeks of uncertainty are now receiving the cash from the Government’s Job Retention Scheme to cover their wages, National Insurance and pensions. It is a huge relief to ensure that the staff we rely upon are receiving the majority of their pay whilst they cannot work. We have also secured a £25k Retail and Leisure Industry grant from the Government via the District Council and agreed payment holidays with Lord Zetland and some of our leasing finance companies that together have deferred costs of £4k per month. We have received notification that we will pay no rates in 2020 and we’re keeping a close eye on other charges such as utilities. As a result, whilst this virus crisis may see off many a club, we know our cash flow is sufficient to get us through the summer!

As expected, the coronavirus crisis and subsequent shutdown has hit membership, with about 30 former members choosing not to commit to RGC in April adding to those that left in January. This is true for every club in the region so there are a group of nomad golfers looking for a home. In Richmondshire, we are the only club not carrying massive debt (which someone will have to pay) so we remain a very attractive option to many. Tell your friends to join us!

We want to “welcome back” our former members and encourage their return to Richmond GC so the Board is looking at a range of membership options, including possible changes to PMG or special green fee rates, so they can stay connected to RGC through 2020 and re-join as full members when they are ready. As we’ve said before, if members are not renewing due to temporary cash problems, give us a call and we will find a way through that!

We are also very keen to reward those members who have stayed with RGC throughout this crisis. We cannot afford to extend or defer the membership year else we will simply build debt which, like other clubs in the area, members will end up paying. Instead, we are re-examining our benefits package to see if we can extend it in ways that reward your loyalty and we will announce changes in our next letter.

Additionally, we are looking at a Corporate package to encourage businesses with 5 or more employees to join RGC. This will be built around the deal we offer the Police where shop/businesses would be able to purchase a number of memberships at reduced cost. More details to follow:

The Clubs “rules” (called the Articles of Association) require an AGM to be held by early July ie within 15 months of the last one.

It is almost certain that this cannot take place as per normal so the Board have decided to handle it via email to members who register as wishing to “attend the AGM”. Attendees will receive the P&L accounts and a copy of the Chairman’s address and will be encouraged to email questions to the Board all of which will be answered promptly. More details will follow in a separate letter.

I know everyone is keen to get back on the course to enjoy the exercise, camaraderie and maybe even the odd decent shot. Should you take your daily exercise on the footpaths across our golf course, you will know it is in fantastic shape; a real credit to Anthony who alone remains working but within BIGGA’s clear guidelines.

Richmond Golf Club has a terrific and long history and when we emerge from this CV crisis this will continue to be the best Club in the area. A Club that is welcoming and full of fun and vitality where everyone will want to come and play.

Chris Lamb.
Chairman (and on behalf) of the Board

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