
Latest Coronavirus Update (21/3)

The following policy changes at Richmond Golf Club are effective immediately.

1. We will close the bar immediately (as instructed)

2. We will close the clubhouse/coffee machine area (to prevent congregating)

3. We will try and keep the toilet areas open including locker rooms. Gents centre urinal and all showers will be labelled as “out of use”. Locking the building at night becomes a little complex so if you wish to be certain that your equipment is not locked in when you need it, please remove it.

4. Course remains open and booking should be through BRS every day; all times available; no reserved times for fixed groups. You must cancel your booking via BRS if you choose not to play.

5. Hand washing before each round is compulsory (use soap and water for 20s if possible but a sanitising gel dispenser is being placed by the entrance)

6. Flags on the practise putting green will be removed.

7. Flags on the main course will be left in place with “foam cylinders” in place to make it easy to remove the ball without touching the flag.

8. Rakes will be removed from bunkers and all bunkers declared GUR.

9. No hand shaking.

10. We will cancel all competitions across the club.

11. Buggies available for rent for single persons only; no sharing.

12. Golf studio available to rent but for single person only; no sharing.

13. The Halfway house is closed down.

14. The Key Draw will be concluded after the draw on Sunday 22nd March.

The situation remains fluid and we will update members should anything need to change. These restrictions are for the safety of all of us so please adhere to them and tell others to do the same.

Stay safe.

Chris Lamb: on behalf of the Board of RGC

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