
Guest Green Fees during June, July & August

We appreciate the fact that so many members stuck by the Club during the recent troubled times where CV had shut us down for a period of about 8 weeks.

Obviously the closure of the clubhouse led to a massive reduction in income and the closure of the course meant no golf despite subscriptions being paid. To be clear, without those subscriptions there would be no Club.

Whilst the Club cannot afford to repay any fees, we do want to recognise your hardship and say “thanks” for the loyalty of our members.

Throughout June, July and August members may play with a guest at no charge provided there is only one guest per member (ie if you book 3 guests you will be expected to pay for 2 of them) and any visiting individual is only allowed to play 3x during the 3 month period.

Bookings with a “free guest” can be made after 11am Monday-Saturday and after 3pm on Sundays.

RGC members will feel rightly proud to be able to tell their friends that “I play at a Club where I can take anyone to play at my course through the summer at no charge”.

It is up to you, the members, to police this benefit as we do not believe anyone would disrespect fellow members by sidestepping these conditions.

The Board
May 31st 2020

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