
Coronavirus: Course, Bar and Events Update (17/3)

As I am sure you are all aware, the Prime Minister made some far reaching announcements on Monday afternoon regarding Government advice vis a vis the Coronavirus outbreak.

The Government did not make any legal interventions that impact RGC, leaving actions very much to individuals but did advise people to “avoid pubs, clubs theatres, cinemas, travel etc” and to “work from home where possible”.

In addition the Government made particular reference to the need for “the over 70s, pregnant women and those with pre-existing conditions (related to respiratory or weakened immune systems)” to avoid contact with others where possible.

In response to this advice, Richmond Golf Club will take the following action with immediate effect and until further notice:

  • The course will remain open for members but we will cancel the Open on Saturday 21st March.
  • To minimise close contact, cards for all competitions will be available to be picked up by the clubhouse entrance and cards/competition fees should be posted into “The Castle”. The Castle is usually in the clubhouse but will now be placed by the clubhouse entrance so members not wishing to enter the clubhouse need not do so. Captains will empty the Castle after each competition.
  • Players should use their gloved hand when touching flagpoles etc.
  • The clubhouse bar will remain open for members that choose to use it. If member numbers using the bar fall substantially, we will close this facility.
  • Clubhouse fund raising events such as the monthly quiz (April 3rd) and the Fashion Show (31st March) will be cancelled.
  • Staff will not work from home as it is impractical to do so.
  • The planned start-up of our excellent new caterers will be delayed until a more suitable time. In the meantime we will continue with availability of cold sandwiches.
  • Inter club matches will follow the advice of the Teesside and Yorkshire Unions.
  • The Taster day planned for the 28th of March will be delayed until later in the year.

The Board is well aware that these changes will have a big impact on members, staff and visitors but our no 1 priority is the health, safety and well-being of all.

We will keep members informed of any changes to policy as this situation evolves.

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