
Chairman’s Newsletter

We hope you and your families are safe and well and that you have had a chance to get out on the course and play some golf.

As the country slowly wakes up from the slumber of lockdown, golf is well placed to emerge strongly. The combination of relative ease of outdoor social distancing and fresh air, combined with an amazingly sunny last few weeks has led to a lot of members being out on the course.

We are cautiously opening up our facilities; Kath was first up returning from furlough cleaning limited communal areas with large quantities of disinfectant and bleach. We started with 2-ball members-only golf then allowed guests, then visitors and finally opened the course up to 4 ball for members and visitors alike. Anthony did a fantastic job keeping the course in wonderful condition and we have now welcomed Iain, our deputy Head Greenkeeper, back from furlough so the work on the course will strengthen, the rough will get shorter and the greens will get faster. The widening of the 16th is well under way and I want to pay tribute to Bruce Cook and the team of raking volunteers for giving their time freely to help the club. A little more work to do and then we can add topsoil then seed with the result of a better fairway and an extra £2.5k in the bank. 

Thank you to members for their observance of the social distancing requirements that the Board has put in place. One way directions to the loo, parking with gaps between vehicles, not touching flagpoles, benches and bells plus sanitisation of hands before play all feel strange but are necessary for us to remain open. Please keep doing these things and the Board will allow further relaxation as soon as we can.

We also welcome Dion Wood to the RGC team! Dion and daughter Sophie, are taking over the catering at the club at this unusual time starting with takeaway sandwiches, cake and coffees from the kitchens. Please give them every support you can in these trying circumstances; we truly want their business to succeed.

The next step is the office to reopen as we welcome Amy back this week and as soon as we are given the green light we want the bar open too, though what social distancing looks like over a pint is still something we need to think through.

In my last newsletter I mentioned that the coronavirus crisis and subsequent shutdown had impacted membership but I’m happy to report that this is now reversing.  We welcomed back many of those who were reluctant in April as well as adding many a new member to our ranks including a significant jump in our PMG numbers. Membership growth remains the key to our plans as it is the source of both financial security and a busy vibrant club.

In an odd sort of way the recent CV crisis may give RGC a new lease of life. It gave us time to reset, reminded us all how much we love playing at this Club, allowed us to close down areas of runaway costs and can yet allow us to readjust our cash flow through grants which together can reinvigorate RGC. Things just may be on the up.

The course is teeming with members welcoming their complimentary guests in the mornings and visitors are streaming in during the afternoons.

Teams are being established to upgrade the external décor, make the shop presentable, to ensure the patios and gardens look prim and nurtured and to recruit a Head Professional that together will make Richmond Golf Club THE club of Richmondshire and beyond. If you have friends who play golf, they will want to be here.  Invite them!

Finally a reminder that June 19th is the last day for registration to “attend” the electronic AGM via email to (not to the secretary please). Registered “attendees” will receive the accounts, Chairman’s report and Director voting paper(s) by email on Friday 26th June with questions to be asked/answered by Monday June 29th / July 3rd.

No registration, no attendance.

Chris Lamb: 
Chairman (and on behalf) of the Board

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