
Andrew Jackson Memorial Day

The fifth Andew Jackson Memorial Day was held on Friday, 19th July with another big turnout for the Texas Scramble in his memory.

Some excellent scoring saw a team including Ged Morrissey, Pete Marsh, J Atkinson and Steve Pearce win the prize with a score of 54.3.

The winning quartet kindly donated their prize money to the Andrew Jackson Trust, which contributes towards junior golf at both Richmond Golf Club and in the wider region.

Andrew Jackson Day Results:

1. G Morrisey, P Marsh, J Atkinson and S Pearce – 54.3
2. C Lightfoot, E Lightfoot, D Smith and M Wicks – 55.7 (countback, back nine).
3. M Thorpe, T.Andrews, M Thompson and G Peacock – 55.7

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